Hello Sigga, first of all gratulations that you are one of the qualified participants for the Icelandic national selection “Söngvakeppnin 2016”.
How does it feel to be part of national selection with the song "Kreisi"?
Sigga: I am very excited and having so much fun with the preparations.
Who had the idea that you could participate in the Icelandic national selection and who decided "Kreisi"?
Sigga: My partner, Karl, wrote the song and we decided together that it would be a good idea to enter it into the competition. We were about to release it but decided that it would receive more notice if it was part of Eurovision. And it sure has.
What is the message of "Kreisi”?
Sigga: The message of the song is to not lose touch with the real world when you get attached to something like a computer game or even social media. Don’t let social media and other modern temptations drive you crazy (kreisí).
Can you tell us something about the beginning of your career?
Sigga: I started out as an actor/singer. I went to drama school in England (Guildford School of Acting) where I studied Musical Theatre. I have mostly been doing voiceovers for cartoons and acting in Musicals. My solo career in music didn’t take off properly until 2014 when I first sang in Eurovision.
What are you expecting in the national selection “Söngvakeppnin 2016”, are you excited?
Sigga: Yes I am very excited. I am expecting a lot of fun with all the wonderful contestants and the lovely talented people at RÚV. It will be a great party.
How do you prepare yourself for the show?
Sigga: I make sure I am rested and that I eat well and sing the song constantly in my car and everywhere I go.
You already participated in “Söngvakeppnin 2014” with the song “Lífið kviknar á ný”. Do you think it’s an advantage that you already participated in the national selection?
Sigga: Yes. Last time I had to spend a lot of energy on letting people know who I was and now I can let the act speak for itself. People know I can be trusted not to break down on stage.
Which are your favorite Eurovision songs and what is your favorite from Icelandic entries?
Sigga: My favorites are "Waterloo", "Ein Bitchen Frieden", "Gente di mare", "J’aime la vie", "Euphoria" and Selma’s "All out of Luck" is my favorite from Iceland.
What is your first Eurovision memory?
Sigga: Nicole singing "Ein Bitchen Frieden"
Which kind of music do you like personally?
Sigga: I like all kinds of music that stirs up some kind of emotions in me, wether it’s happy, or sad. It really depends on my mood.
What are your plans for 2016 beside the Icelandic national selection, are you working on an album?
Sigga: I finished an album just over a year ago. I am in the process of writing a musical comedy and hopefully I will find the time to make another album soon.

Sigga: When my daughter was born and every step she has taken since then.
What are your wishes for the future?
Sigga: That whatever happens will be something good and I can be proud of everything I have done.
If people outside Iceland never heard about you before – what should they know about you?
Sigga: I love what I do, I love entertaining people and I promise a good show.
Why should the Icelandic audience vote for your song to represent Iceland at Eurovision 2016?
Sigga: Because it is a fun song and we have a good show which will entertain Europe in May.
Do you have a message for “Join Us on Eurovision” readers and your fans?
Sigga: Thank you for reading and please follow me on Twitter, Snapchat, Youtube and Instagram. You will find me under: Sigga Eyrun.
Thank you so much for answer those questions. Good luck for you and your song in the Icelandic national selection and maybe we see us in Stockholm!
Support Sigga Eyrún and her music. Listen to her entry "Kreisí" on Spotiry:
Find out more about Sigga Eyrún and follow her:- Sigga Eyrún (Facebook)
- Sigga Eyrún (Homepage)
- Sigga Eyrún (Instagram)
- Sigga Eyrún (iTunes)
- Sigga Eyrún (Soundcloud)
- Sigga Eyrún (Spotify)
- Sigga Eyrún (Twitter)
- Sigga Eyrún (Youtube)

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