Marcel Rosca is one of the participants for the first Semi-Final from 'O Melodie Pentru Europa 2015' in Moldova on 24th of February 2015 with the song called 'Feelings Will Never Leave'.
Hello Marcel, first of all gratulations that you are one of the qualified participants for the National Selection ‘O Melodie Pentru Europa’ with your song ‘Feelings Will Never Leave’.
How does it feel to be part of ‘O Melodie Pentru Europa 2015’ with the song ‘Feelings Will Never Leave’?
Marcel: I’m very glad that my song was chosen in 24 songs of national selection for Eurovision 2015
Who had the idea that you could participate with ‘Feelings Will Never Leave’?
Marcel: It was my idea and I decided that in last day of registration on this contest
Can you tell us something about the story behind ‘Feelings Will Never Leave’?
Marcel: I can certainly say that this song represents the last part of my life story of love. It’s complicated and I would not talk about this.
Why it was chosen to sing the song in English and not in Moldovan language?
Marcel: Initial I composed this song not for Eurovision, but I decided in last day to put this song on ESC national selection
I read something about that you are living in Romania at the moment. Have you also thought about maybe to participate for Romania?
Marcel: At this moment I’m living in Moldova, I have studied in Romania and I think in future I will do this in Romania.
Can you tell us something about the beginning career?
Marcel: My career started for me when I was 3 years old. I fill that music runs through my veins since I was born. This is my life style and I can’t live without music
What are you expecting in the Moldovan national selection ‘O Melodie Pentru Europa 2015’, are you excited?
Marcel: I would like to win this national selection, I would like to represent Moldova at this contest, I think that my song will listen a lot o people and they will understand what I’m trying to say..
Are you a Eurovision fan?
Marcel: No, I like this contest but I’m not a fan
Which are your favorite Eurovision songs and what is your favorite song in Moldovan ESC history?
Marcel: My favorite song is definitely “Tornero” by Mihai Traistariu.
What is your first Eurovision memory?
Marcel: Luminita Anghel & Sistem – "Let Me Try", It’s a vulnerable song, that makes you stronger.
Which kind of music do you hear in private?
Marcel: I try to listen a lot of music in private with different styles, because now I’m working like composer and its good for me to be more informed
Marcel: It’s a good guy that loves music, life and all that little things that makes him happy. It’s sociable and hard worker at least this year :-)
What makes you happy?
Marcel: Good mood, and good coffee :-)
What makes a day for you perfect?
Marcel: Patience and working in studio
What are your plans for 2015 beside ‘O Melodie Pentru Europa 2015’?
Marcel: To compose much more good songs for every singer that what to work with me and of course to work a lot for my career like singer
What was the most excited moment in your life?
Marcel: When I put on my knees and asked her to marry me
What are your wishes for the future?
Marcel: To collaborate with some big music production company
Why should the audience from Moldova vote for your song to represent Moldova at Eurovision 2015?
Marcel: Because the song its based on feelings (that will never leave) :-)
Do you have a message for ‘Join Us on Eurovision’ readers and your fans?
Marcel: It’s very hard to find true love but don't stop to search and listen for good music :-)Thank you so much for answer those questions. Good luck for you and your song in ‘O Melodie Pentru Europa 2015’ and maybe we see us in Vienna!
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