Stela Botan & The Cadence of Heart are one of the participants for the first Semi-Final from 'O Melodie Pentru Europa 2015' in Moldova on 26th of February 2015 with the song called "Save Me".
How does it feel to be part of ‘O Melodie Pentru Europa 2015’ with the song ‘Save Me’?
Stela: It feels wonderful, especially when I hear and read about our song that it would be a great choice for Moldova.
Who had the idea that you could participate with ‘Save Me’?
Stela: The idea was mine and it came after a long discussion with Constantin Dushku, the author of the instrumental “Save Me” and the leader of the band The Cadence of Heart. Intially we thought to give this song to the national selection in Romania, but after talking with the band we decided to try and sing in our country.
Who decided ‘Save Me’ for ‘O Melodie Pentru Europa 2015’?
Stela: I think I just answered this question right above :-)
Can you tell us something about the story behind ‘Save Me’?
Stela: The song was composed accidentally. After watching the game between Germans and Argentinians in theWorld Cup of 2014, Constantin was upset with the results because he favored Argentina and its player Messi. He went into the studio that night and started playing the synthesizer. All of a sudden he created the notes which later became the chorus of the song. After spending the night playing, he already had the instrumental version of the song ready! Constantin felt the song should be called “Save Me” and we didn’t change it since then. Good inspiration I must say :-) I listened to the demo version of this instrumental and saw a big song coming, so I came up with a melodic line and lyrics and here it is! :-)
Stela: No offence, but I must say and inform you that I speak Romanian and there is no Moldovan language, it’s just a dialect. :-) Back to the question, in 2013 I had a song in Romanian called “Inima mea” if you recall. The song was good, but it didn’t catch that much attention. This year we thought it would be mandatory to sing in English since we are aiming to the top. We think “Save Me” is a song that all the European countries need to hear and understand!
Can you tell us something about the beginning of your career?
Stela: I began singing since I was about 7 I think. I never thought this will get so serious :-) Actually, I started working more professionally just a couple of years ago. In 2009 I was a finalist of the first reality show in Moldova “Star Factory” and this was the big start for me. Since then, I never gave up singing!
What are you expecting in the Moldovan national selection ‘O Melodie Pentru Europa 2015’, are you excited?
Stela: I am very excited! I think we have a very good and easy to memorize song and it will be very challenging to compete not only with contestants from Moldova, whom I already know, but also with foreign ones.
Are you a Eurovision fan?
Stela: Of course! I’ve been watching the show since I was little. :-)
Which are your favorite Eurovision songs and what is your favorite song in Moldovan ESC history?
Stela: My all time favorite Eurovision song is "Euphoria" by Loreen. I must admit that I just love her and all of her songs appear great to me! From our country, I enjoyed Natalia Barbu and her song “Fight”. I like strong, powerful songs!
What is your first Eurovision memory?
Stela: Of my own performance or in general? :-) I remember Dana International and her very commercial song “Diva”!
Which kind of music do you hear in private?
Stela: I listened to all kinds of music, but I’m mainly fond of rock in its different varieties. Right now, I have in my music player Ana Moura and the Romanian singer Delia. One song of Nicki Minaj, also. Trying to keep up with the modern world tendencies :-)
Can you tell us something about Stela in private?
Stela: Well, not so much! I do have an intense private life, but I keep it close for the public. All I can say is that I live in Chisinau, apart from my family, and besides music I work in the sales industry.
What makes you happy?
Stela: I never thought I was gonna be so happy while having time of my own. I work a lot lately with different people and it just feels like I need to charge my batteries by listening to my favorite songs for hours, writing, singing and other small things women do when they’re left alone. :-) Of course, I’m very happy when my work is bringing positive results and people encourage me to continue my music career. It makes me feel useful :-)
What makes a day for you perfect?
Stela: There are two types of perfect days for me ! First is when I do not rush, I drink my coffee and read a journal, then I go for a walk in the park, after that I read, cook something tasty, and go to a concert in the evening. The second version of a perfect day is when I wake up, do my hair, put on lots of make-up, dress up and step into the studio to record a new song, film a new video or step on a new stage! I would like to alternate them. :-)
What are your plans for 2015 beside ‘O Melodie Pentru Europa 2015’?
Stela: This year I’m planning to get involved in other music contests, as well. I cannot say right now which ones, but you’ll hear of me for sure :-)
What was the most excited moment in your life?
Stela: When I flew over the United States of America and was looking at the land through the clouds. I was 16 years old back then and one of my biggest dreams was about to come true. I studied and lived for one year in a small town near Chicago gaining the experience of a life time. The rest of my excited moments were all on the stage :-)
What are your wishes for the future?
Stela: I wish to be healthy. I know this will help me achieve anything I want!
Why should the audience from Moldova vote for your song to represent Moldova at Eurovision 2015?
Stela: The public should vote for us because this song is about Moldova. I do not sing the words ‘Save Me’ in vain. It can be interpreted as the call of our country to Europe! We are trying to reflect the state of the souls of the Moldovan people.
Do you have a message for ‘Join Us on Eurovision’ readers and your fans?
Stela: I would like to thank them all for reading these lines. It is of great importance for me to know you they are interested in my music. Also, keep following your dreams and support Stela Botan and The Cadence of Heart in the ESC 2015!
Thank you so much for answer those questions. Good luck for you and your song in ‘O Melodie Pentru Europa 2015’ and maybe we see us in Vienna!
Stela: Thank you! Hopefully we will have the chance to meet! :-)
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